& Tickled Trio

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Obserwing Systems

- Obserwing Systems
(2003) Morr Music - cd
The Long Tomorrow
- 2. Radio
Sun I - 3.
Revolution - 4.
Radio Sun II - 5.
Freakmachine - 6.
Observing Systems - 7.
3.Y.E. - 8.
Radio Jovian - 9.
Like Armstrong + Laika - 10.
Bungalow - 11.
Radio Sun III - 12.
Memory Dun - 13.
Motorik - 14.
Ship Monk - 15.
Henry +The Gosts
Joanners Enders, Ulrich Wangheheim, Andreas Gerth, Micha Acher, Marcus
Acher, Gaspar Erandner, Stefan Schreiber, Gerhard Eschlobl, Led Gmelch,
Robert Klinger, Robert Di Gioia, Carl Desterheld, Saam Schlamminger
Produced by Andreas Gerth
Recorded at Uphon Studio between 18 and 22 August 2002
Engineering by Martin Thaler
Cover art by Jan Kruse