
album in
- Exile
- So I Write
- Out Here, In There
- Duplex Ride

collabora in:
- Snow Catches On Her
- ...And Poppies From
- Narrative From The Subtropicals
(Jan Bang)
- Er
- Recoloured
- Solid Ether
Petter Molvaer)
- Different Rivers
- Unrest
(Erik Honorč)
- Different Rivers
(Trygve Seim)

- Exile
(1994) ECM 1524 - cd
1. Here The Moon
(S. Endersen) 2.29 - 2. Quest
(J. Eberson) 6.31 - 3. Stages I, II, III
(D. Bates) 7.46 - 4. Hunger
(D. Darling) 6.25 - 5. Theme I
(D. Darlind/S. Endresen) 2.11 -
6. Waiting Train
(J. Eberson) 3.50 - 7. The Dreaming
(J. Balke) 4.37 - 8. Dust
(J. Eberson) 7.59 - 9. Variation III
(D. Darling/J. Christensen) 3.10
- 10. Theme II
(D. Darling/S. Endresen) 2.31 -
11. Exile
(S. Endresen) 8.08
Sidsel Endresen, Djamgo Bates, Nils
Petter Molvaer, Jon
Christensen, Jens Bugge Wesseltoft, David
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded on August 1993 at the Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photos by Jean-Pierre Larcher
- So I Write
(1990) ECM 1408 - cd
So I Write
(J. Balke/S. Endresen) 7.49 -
2. This Is The Movie
(J. Balke/S. Endresen) 6.02 - 3. Dreamland
Balke/S. Endresen) 3.59 - 4. Words
(A. Kleive/S. Endresen) 6.26 - 5.
Mirror Images
(D. Bates/S. Endresen) 5.09 - 6.
(A. Kleive/S. Endresen) 5.06 - 7.
(Pedersen/S. Endresen) 7.20 - 8.
Horses In Rain
(D. Bates/S. Endresen) 5.54
Sidsel Endresen, Djamgo Bates,
Petter Molvaer, Jon
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded on June 1990 at the Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photos by Caroline Forbes
- Out Here, In There
(2002) Jazzland - cd 017 3682
Truth - 2.
Out Here, In There - 3.
Survival Techniques 1 & 2 - 4.
Survival Techniques 3 - 5.
Names, Numbers
- 6. Hav
- 7.
Birds - 8.
Voices - 9.
Heartbeat -
10. Ido
- 11. Try
Sidsel Endresen, Jens Bugge Wesseltoft
Produced by Ulf Holand
Recorded on Autumn 2001 at the Lydlab, Oslo
Engineering by Ulf Holand
Cover photos by Hakon Kornstad
- Duplex Ride
(1998) lp 41 Curling Legs c - cd
Singles 6.04
- 2. Fifty Ways To Leave Your
Lover 5.00 - 3.
And Later, The Rain 5.22 - 4.
You Call Me
5.55 - 5. River
7.54 - 6.
Duplex Ride 4.32 - 7.
Six Minutes Or So 5.30 - 8.
Trying Time 4.49 - 9.
Pennywhistle Poem 3.12 - 10.
Okay 3.54 - 11.
Epilogue 1.44
Sidsel Endresen, Jens Bugge Wesseltoft,
Jan Bang
Produced by Ulf Holand and Jan Erik Kongshaug
Recorded at Lydlab, and Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Engineering by Ulf Holand
Cover photos by C.F. Wesemberg