Steve Jansen

in pagina:
- Worlds In A Small Room
(with Richard Barbieri)
- Ism
- A Secret Life
Steve D'Agostino & John Foxx)
- Slope
- Beginning To Melt
Richard Barbieri and Mick Karn)
- Pulse X Pulse
Yukihiro Takahashi)
- Stone To Flesh
Richard Barbieri)
- Tender Extinction
- The Extunct Suite

collabora in:
- Marco Polo vol. II
(Nicola Alesini)
- Stranger Inside
- Smiling And Waving
(Anja Garbarek)
- Your Sleekest Engine
(Genre Peak)
- Alexandrine
- One Thousand Birds
- Adolescent Sex
- Gentlemen Take Polaroid
- Obscure Alternative
- Oil On Canvas
- Quiet Life
- Tim Drum
- Dreams Of Reason Produced Monster
- Bestial Cluster
- The Tooth Mother
- Brilliant Tree
- Dead Bees On A Cake
- Died In The Wool
- Gone To Earth
- Pop Song
- Rain Tree Crow
- Secrets Of The Beehive
- Words With The Shaman
- What Means Solid, Traveller?
(David Torn)
- Rice Music

- Worlds In A Small Room
with Richard Barbieri
(1987) Pan East 105 - vinile
1. Breaking The Silence 3.38 - 2. Toys 2.42 - 3. Blue Lines 4.14 - 4. Mission 4.50 - 5. The Way The Light Falls 5.05 - 6. Balance 3.40 - 7. Moving Circles 4.27 - 8. Distant Fire 5.21
Steve Jansen,
Richard Barbieri
Produced by Steve Jansen and Richard Barbieri
Recorded at Victor Aoyama Studios, Tokyo on November 1984
Engineering by Tatsuo Umezu
Cover by Stylorouge
Mondi in una
piccola stanza è un magnifico titolo per
questopera placida e meditativa. Non rimane che
immaginarla raccolta e discreta.
Steve Jansen e Richard Barbieri hanno realizzato una
sorta di colonna sonora per celebrare a modo loro i
maestri dellambient music che li hanno più
Si potrebbe supporre una qualche connessione con il disco
strumentale che David Sylvian ha incluso nel suo ottimo Gone
To Earth, ma Worlds In
A Small Room riluce in climi espressivi
differenti e risponde con precisione ad un diverso
progetto artistico.
Laddove infatti David Sylvian conferisce splendida unità
allinsieme dei vari episodi concepiti
sullonda delproprio ideale estetico, Steve Jansen e
Richard Barbieri paiono rivolti allespressione di
unassoluta varietà tematica, esponendo il loro
disco al rischio di apparire frammentario o poco
personale e vincendo con semplice poesia.
Si avvertono accentti e influenze di Harold Budd, David
Van Tieghem, il David Bowie berlinese, Riuichi Sakamoto e
naturalmente Brian Eno.
Non mancano momenti di notevole efficacia, vibranti ed
impalpabili pathos e di magiche inflessioni intimistiche:
Breaking The Silence,
sospesa come un albatro ai fluidi aerei di un pianismo
perlaceo; la bellissima Distant Fire,
i colori proibiti di Moving Circles,
le simmetrie cristalline in The Way The
Light Falls.
Ora che David Sylvian è riuscito ad esprimersi al
massimo grado della propria ispirazione, ora che i Japan
paiono sul punto di riformarsi, Worlds
In A Small Room è testimonianza
preziosa di un talento vivissimo e generoso da parte di
due musicisti intelligenti e raffinati come Steve Jansen
e Richard Barbieri.
da Rockerilla n° 77 Gennaio 1987
- Ism
(1999) Medium mpcd 9 -cd
1. The
Swallow Pool 6.32 - 2. To
The Core 4.30 - 3.
Sacrifice 2.43 - 4. Cold
Light 6.39 - 5. Carry The
Ashes 8.30 - 6. Red Track
Dance 7.30 - 7. Beast
Haunted 4.45 - 8. Alone In
His Shoes 5.46 - 9. Found
In A Shell Of Murmurs 4.48
Steve Jansen,
Richard Barbieri,
Mick Karn,
David Torn, Aziz Ibrahim, Sugizo, Zoe Niblett,
Masami Tsuchiya, Theo Travis, Nick Cooper, Clive Bell
Produced by Steve Jansen, Richard Barbieri and Mick Karn
Recorded at Kashmir, London on November 1997 and June 1998
Engineering by Steve Jansen and Richard Barbieri
Cover by photo by Andy Earl
A Secret Life
(2009) Metamatic meta 22 - cd
1. A Secret Life
(part 1) - 2. A Secret Life
(part 2) - 3. A Secret Life
(part 3) - 4. A Secret Life
(part 4) - 5. A Secret Life
(part 5) - 6. A Secret Life
(part 6)
Steve Jansen, Steve D'Agostino, John Foxx
Produced by Steve Jansen, Steve D'Agostino and John Foxx
- Slope
(2007) Samandhisound ss012 cd
1. Grip - 2. Sleepyard
- 3. Cancelled Pieces
- 4. December Train
- 5. Sow The Salt
- 6. Gap Of Cloud
- 7. Playground Martyrs
- 8. A Way Of Disappearing
- 9. Ballad Of A Deadman
- 10. Conversation Over
- 11. Life Moves On
- 12. Playground Martyrs
Steve Jansen, Theo Travis, Tim Elsenburg,
Anja Garbarek,
David Sylvian,
Thomas Feiner, Ingo Frenzel, Joan Wasser, Alberto Tafuri, Nina Kinert
Produced by Steve Jansen
Engineering by Steve Jansen
Cover by Chris Bigg
- Beginning To Melt
with Richard Barbieri and Mick Karn
(1993) Medium mp 1 - vinile
1. Beginning To Mail
11.50 - 2. The Wilderness
4.45 - 3. March Of The Innocents
4.09 - 4. Human Age
5.41 - 5. Shipwrecks
6.21 - 6. Ego Dance
7.39 - 7. The Orange Asylum
Steve Jansen, Richard
Barbieri, Mick Karn,
Steve Wilson, David Torn,
Robby Aceto, Rob Dean
Produced by Steve Jansen, Richard Barbieri and Mick Karn
Recorded in London during summer '93
Cover by Mike Diver
- Pulse X Pulse
with Yukihiro Takahashi
(1998) Medium mp7 - cd
1. Life's Like That
5.14 - 2. The Choice
5.14 - 3. Wave 5.53 - 4. Memory Without Consequence
5.01 - 5. A River Dry
5.13 - 6. Prayer Of Gold
Steve Jansen, Yukihiro
Takahashi, Zoe Niblette, Hirofumi Tokutake, Kyon, Sonia Metha,
Aziz Ibrahim, Theo Travis, Ben Coleman, Tony Mastield
Produced by Steve Jansen and Yukihiro Takahashi
Recorded at Consipio Studio and Metropolis Studio (London)
Engineering by Daysuke Makayama
Cover art by Mitsuo Shindo
Stone To Flesh
with Richard Barbieri
(1995) KScope 338 - cd
1. Mother London
8.48 - 2. Sleepers Awake
9.14 - 3. Ringing The Bell Backyards
9.42 - 4. Swim There
8.06 - 5. Closer Than "i"
7.13 - 6. Everything Ends In Darkness
7.17 - 7. Map Of Falling
Steve Jansen, Steven Wilson, Steve Hogarth, Mark Feltham, Colin Edwin,
David Torn,
Richard Barbieri
Produced by Steve Jansen and Richard Barbieri
Recorded at StudioFobia and The Orange Asylum, London during Winter
Engineering by Steve Jansen
Tender Extinction
(2016) Steve Jansen sj01 - cd
1. Capured
- 2. Sadness - 3. Her Distance
- 4. Memory Of An Imagined Place
- 5. Give Yourself A Name
- 6. Diaphanous One
- 7. Faced With Nothing
- 8. Mending A Secret
- 9. Simple Day
- 10. And Birds Sing All Night
Steve Jansen, Thomas Feiner, Melentini, Perry Blake, Seigen Tokuzawa,
Tim Elsenburg, Nicola Hitchcock, Stelios Romaliadis, Giorgos Varoutas
Produced by Steve Jansen
Engineering by Steve Jansen
Cover photo by Steve Jansen
- The Extinct Suite
(2017) Steve Jansen sj02 - vinile
1. The Extinct Suite
Steve Jansen, Melentini Toila, Seigen Tokuzawa, Thomas Feiner, Stelios
Romaliadis, Giorgos Varoulas
Produced by Steve Jansen
Recorded at Steve Jansen Studios, Tokyo on 2017
Engineering by Steve Jansen
Cover photo by Anna Malina Zemlianski