Jan Garbarek

album in
- Ragas
And Sagas
- I
Took Up The Runes
- Witchi Tai To
- Rites
The Hilliard Ensamble)
- In
Praise Of Dreams
Visible World
Twelve Moons
Esoteric Circle
Legend Of The Seven Dreams
Paths, Prints
- Belonging

collabora in:
- Works
(Gary Burton)
- Of Mist And Melting
(Bill Connors)
- Cycles
(David Darling)
- The Insider
- Alpstein
- Sol Do Meio Dia
- Making Music
- Vision
(Zakir Hussain)
- Arbour Zena
- Belonging
- Luminessence
- My Song
- Nude Ants
- Personal Mountains
(Keith Jarrett)
- Neighbourhood
(Manu Katchè)
- Elixir
(Marilyn Mazour)
- December Poems
- Guamba
- Voice From The Past/Paradigm
(Gary Peacock)
- Trip To Prillarguri
- Song Of Everyone
- Vision
Solstice, shadows and light
- Atmos
(Miroslav Vitous)
Silent Feet
(Eberhard Weber)

- Ragas And Sagas
(1992) ECM 1442 - cd
1. Raga I 8.40 - 2. Saga 5.25 - 3. Raga II 13.05 - 4. Raga III 11.53 - 5. Raga IV 12.56
Jan Garbarek, Ustad Fateh Ali Khan, Unstad Shaukat
Hussain, Unstad Nazim Ali Khan, Deepika Thathaal, Manu
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Herbert Maeder
Ragas And Sagas si
pone nell'ambito della musica rituale hindu,
nell'approfondimento di quelle melodie (ragas) dell'India
Settendrionale, fatte conoscere in occidente ed in
maniera giustamente soggettiva da Ravi Shankar,
Mahavishnu e Shakti, Geroge Harrison, Ram Narayam e tanti
La peculiare vocalità dei cantori induisti Ustad Fateh
Ali Khan e Deepika Thathaal rafforzano magnificamente le
tessiture di sax e sarangi (sorta di violone tradizionale
affine al sitar, che viene suonato in verticale con l'uso
dell'archetto), mentre si completano e si sovrappongono
il drumming di Manu Katchè ed il suono "liquido
percussivo" delle tabla.
Twelve Moons riconduce
all'atmosferico e sognate universo nordeuropeo, a quelle
pulsazioni distese ed ai ricami tenui, tessuti dalle
tastiere e dalle voci accattivanti e quasi esoteriche
della splendida Mari Boine Persen (autrice anche di
un'ottima performance registrata per Real World) e di
Agnes Buen Garnas.
Progetto ottimamente disegnato e definoto, fornisce
un'idea di perfetta fusione tra "musicisti e
suoni" e la testimonianza più vivida e fluorescente
deriva dal remake di Brother Wind March e
di Witchi-Tai-To (di
Jim Pepper), rivitalizzate da una inconsueta propulsione.
da Hi Folks n° 59 maggio/giugno 1993
- I Took Up The Runes
(1990) ECM 1419 - cd
1. Gula Gula 5.55 (Mary Boine Persen)
a) part
one 5.13 - b) part two 5.43 - c) part three 9.54 - d)
part four 5.10 - e) part five 6.06
2. His Eyes Were Suns 6.04 (J.
Garbarek/Traditional) - 3. I Took Up The Runes 5.24 (J. Garbarek) - 4. Bueno Hora, Buenos Vientos 8.51 (J. Garbarek) - 5. Rahkki Sruvvis 2.26 (Ingor Antte Ailu Gaup)
Jan Garbarek, Rainer Bruninghaus, Eberhard Weber, Nana Vasconcelos, Manu Katchè,
Wesseltoft, Igor Antte Ailu Gaup
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Maya Glaser
- Witchi Tai To
(1974) ECM 1041 st - vinile
1. A.I.R. (C. Bley) 8.15 - 2. Kukka (P. Danielson) 4.32 - 3. Hasta Siempre (C. Puebla) 8.10 - 4. Witchi Tai To (J. Pepper) 4.24 - 5. Desireless (D. Cherry) 20.25
Jan Garbarek, Bobo Stenson, Palle Danielson, John
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Arne Bebndikson Studio, Oslo on November 27
and 28, 1973
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Paul Maar
- Rites
(1998) ECM 1685 - cd
1. Rites 8.27 - 2. Where The Rivers Meet 7.01 - 3. Vast Plain, Clouds 5.53 - 4. So Mild The Wind, So Meek
The Water 6.09
- 5. Song,
Tread Lightly 7.40
- 6. It's
OK To Listen To The Gray Voice 6.43 - 7. Her Wild Ways 6.44 - 8. It's High Time 3.31 - 9. One Ying For Every Yang 6.32 - 10. Pan 6.11 - 11. We Are The Stars 5.00 - 12. The Moon Over Mtatminda 3.57 - 13. Malinye 6.19 - 14. The White Clown 3.44 - 15. Eventy They Danced 5.14 - 16. Last Rite 8.24
Jan Garbarek, Rainer Bruninghaus, Marilyn Mazour, Eberhard Weber,
Bugge Wesseltoft, Jansug
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo on March 1998
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
- Mnemosyne
with The Hilliard Ensamble
(1999) ECM 1700 - cd
1. Quechua Song 7.12 - 2. O Lord In Thee Is All My
Trust 5.09
- 3.
Estonian Lullaby 1.58 - 4. Remeber Me My Dear 6.30 - 5. Gloria 6.03 - 6. Fayrfax Africanus 4.05 - 7. Agnus Dei 8.38 - 8. Novus Novus 2.18 - 9. Se je Fayz Dueil 5.12 - 10. O Ignis Spiritus 10.53 - 11. Alleluia Nativitatis 5.06 - 12. Delphic Paean 4.46 - 13. Strophe And Counter.Strophe
5.02 - 14. Mascarades 5.02 - 15. Loiterando 5.33 - 16. Estonian Lullaby II 2.01 - 17. Russian Psalm 3.45 - 18. Eagle Dance 4.48 - 19. When Jesus Wept 3.22 - 20. Hymn To The Sun 7.28
Jan Garbarek, The Hilliard Ensamble
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Propstei St Gerold
Engineering by Peter Laenger
- In Praise Of Dreams
(2004) ECM 1880 - cd
1. As Seen From Above 4.42 - 2. In Praise Of Dreams 5.21 - 3. One Goes There Alone 5.06 - 4. Knot Of Place And Time 6.22 - 5. If You Go Far Enough '39 - 6. Scene From Afar 5.14 - 7. Cloud Of Unknowing 5.22 - 8. Without Visible Sign 4.59 - 9. Iceburn 4.59 - 10. Conversation With A Stone 4.18 - 11. A Tale Begun 4.39
Jan Garbarek, Kim Kashkashian, Manu Katchè
Produced by Manfred Eicher and Jan Garbarek
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo, Blue Jay Recording
Studio, Carisle, MA, A.P.C. Studio, Paris
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug, James Farber and
Didier Lèglise
La musica
di Garbarek varia dal rigiso al tiepido, glaciale come
gli inverni norvegesi, pallida e tenue come i colori del
disgelo. E' un poeta e per creare poesia con uno
strumento non basta mettere le note al posto giusto.
Forse distrugge i suoi nastri con lo stesso martello con
cui Michelangelo colpì il Mosè: "Perchè non
Dopo il meraviglioso exploit con l'Hilliard Ensamble e il
fortunato capolavoro Officium,
Garbarek ha prodotto con parsimonia. E per In
Praise Of Dreams recupera il
percussionista amico Manu Katchè e un grande violinista,
kim Kashkashian.
Come d'abitudine, Garbarek usa lo spazio musicale con
un'estrema libertà e grande rigore. Toglie, invece di
aggiungere. Ma qui c'è un nuovo sole che aiuta a
sciogliere i ghiacci, un'inflessione soul e una spirale
folk che stringono il cuore. Dire che Garbarek si
abbandona a facili romanticismi sarebbe un sacrilegio, ma
l'utilizzo dei loop e il violino che si lascia tentare da
una melodia zigana o da una lontana reminiscenza klezmer
rendono questa volta la sua musica più che la fantastica
colonna sonora per un film immaginario un'esperienza
cinematografica totale. Da guardare a occhi chiusi.
Videtti da Musiche di Repubblica n° 430, 30
settembre 2004
- Visible World
(1996) ECM 1585 - cd
1. Red Wind
3.52 - 2. The Creek
4.30 - 3. The Survivor
4.46 - 4. The Healing Smoke
7.13 - 5. Visible World
(chiaro) 4.07 - 6. Desolate Mountains I
6.46 - 7. Desolate Mountains II
6.02 - 8. Visible World
(scuro) 4.32 - 9. Giulietta
3.45 - 10. Desolate Mountains III
1.28 - 11. Pygmy Lullaby
6.12 - 12. The Quest
2.58 - 13. The Arrow
4.21 - 14. The Scythe
1.48 - 15. Evening Land
3.52 - 2. The Creek
4.30 - 3. The Survivor
4.46 - 4. The Healing Smoke
7.13 - 5. Visible World
(chiaro) 4.07 - 6. Desolate Mountains I
6.46 - 7. Desolate Mountains II
6.02 - 8. Visible World
(scuro) 4.32 - 9. Giulietta
3.45 - 10. Desolate Mountains III
1.28 - 11. Pygmy Lullaby
6.12 - 12. The Quest
2.58 - 13. The Arrow
4.21 - 14. The Scythe
1.48 - 15. Evening Land
Jan Garbarek, Rainer Bruninghaus, Marylin Mazur, Eberhard Weber, Manu
Katchè, Trilok Gurtu, Mari Boine
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo on June 1995
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Jan Jadicka
- Twelve Moons
(1993) ECM 1500 - cd
1. Twelve Moons (part
one: Winter Summer/part two: Summer-Winter) 7.35 - 2. Psalm 6.32
- 3. Brother Wind March 10.17
- 4. There Were Swallows... 8.36
- 5. The Tall Tear Trees 5.45
- 6. Arietta 6.21
- 7. Gautes-Margjit 11.53
- 8. Darvanan 4.54
- 9. Huhai 7.29
- 10. Witchi-Tai-To 5.43
Jan Garbarek, Manu Katchè, Rainer Bruninghaus, Eberhard Weber, Marilyn Mazour, Agnes Buen Garnas, Mari Boine
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo on September 1992
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Jan Jedicka
- Esoteric Circle
(1969) Freedom orl 8136 - vinile
1. Traneflight 2.51
- 2. Rabalder 8.15
- 3. Esoteric Circle 5.22
- 4. Vips 5.40
- 5. SAS 644 8.49
- 6. Nefertite 2.05
- 7. Gee 1.10
- 8. Karin's Mode 7.30
- 9. Breeze Ending 3.39
Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal, Arild Andersen, Jon Christensen
Produced by George Russell
Recorded at Freedom Recording, Oslo, Norway on 1969
Engineering by Bjornar Andresen
Cover by Benno Friedman
- Madar
(1994) ECM 1515 - cd
1. Sull Lull 16.49
- 2. Madar 11.12
- 3. Sebika 5.29
- 4. Bahia 10.17
- 5. Ramy 2.57
- 6. Jaw 8.01
- 7. Joron 6.26
- 8. Qaws 15.07
- 9. Epilogue '52
Jan Garbarek, Unstad Shaukat Hussain, Anouar Brahem
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo on August 1992
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover art by Jan Jedlicka
- Legend Of The Seven Dreams
(1988) ECM 1381 - cd
1. He Comes From The North 13.34
- 2. Aichuri, The Song Man 5.03
- 3. Tongue Of Secrets 8.07
- 4. Brother Wind 8.03
- 5. It's Name Is Secret Road 1.43
- 6. Send Word 7.12
- 7. Voy Cantando 6.48
- 8. Mirror Stone I 1.11
- 9. Mirror Stone II 2.29
Jan Garbarek, Nana Vasconcelos, Eberhard Weber, Rainer Bruninghaus
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo on July 1988
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Christian Voght
- Dansere
(1976) ECM 1o75 - cd
1. Dansere 15.05
- 2. Svedende 4.58
- 3. Bris 6.11
- 4. Skrik & Hyl 1.30
- 5. Lokk 5.39
- 6. Til Vennene 4.47
Jan Garbarek, Bobo Stenson, Palle Danielsson, Jon Christensen
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Talent Studio, Oslo
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Jochen Monch
- Star
(1991) ECM 1444 - cd
1. Star 6.13
- 2. Jumper 4.18
- 3. Lamenting 6.03
- 4. Anthem 6.13
- 5. Roses For You 5.36
- 6. Clouds In The Mountain 4.35
- 7. Snowman 5.18
- 8. The Music Of My People 3.42
Jan Garbarek, Miroslav Vitous, Peter Erskine
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo on January 1991
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Herbert Maeder
- Paths, Prints
(1982) ECM 1223 - cd
1. The Paths 7.11
- 2. Footprints 10.06
- 3. Kite Dance 5.35
- 4. To B.E. 3.19
- 5. The Move 6.39
- 6. Arc 5.01
- 7. Considering The Snall 6.30
- 8. Still 6.18
Jan Garbarek, Bill Frisell, Eberhard Weber, Jon Christensen
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Talent Studio, Oslo
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover photo by Barbara Wojirsch
- Belonging
(1974) ECM 1050 - cd
1. Spiral Dance
4.07 - 2. Blossom 12.11 - 3. Long As You Know You're Living Yours
6.10 - 4. Belonging
2.12 - 5. The Windup
8.22 - 6. Solstice
Jan Garbarek, Keith Jarrett,
Palle Danielsson, Jon Christensen
Produced by Manfred Eicher
Recorded at Arne Bendiksen Studio, Oslo on 24 and 25 april 1974
Engineering by Jan Erik Kongshaug
Cover by Tadayuki Naito